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>Prof Yigit Chirurgia bariatrica a Istanbul

Prof Taner Yigit
Prof Taner Yigit

Il Prof. Yigit e il suo team sono specializzati in chirurgia bariatrica e metabolica presso il centro di Istanbul. Il loro approccio su misura e la cura personalizzata li distinguono dalle grandi cliniche. Il professor Yigit padroneggia le procedure complesse come il bypass e l'intervento metabolico per il diabete.

Punti forti
  • Professore Universitario
  • Team ristretto
  • Approccio personalizzato
  • Interventi metabolici




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Gold partner

Prof Taner Yigit

Tra il 1997 e il 2001, il Dr. Taner ha lavorato come chirurgo generale all'ospedale militare Marshal Cakmak di Erzurum e ha iniziato la sua carriera accademica come assistente professore nel 2001 presso il dipartimento di chirurgia generale del GATA. Dal 2004 al 2005, è stato professore ospite presso il dipartimento di chirurgia generale dell'Università di Washington a Seattle (Washington, Stati Uniti), dove si è occupato di obesità e chirurgia laparoscopica avanzata. Tra il 2016 e il 2017, ha lavorato al Ministero della Salute della Turchia e, nel 2017, alla Facoltà di Salute dell'Università delle Scienze della Salute. Parla fluentemente inglese.

Il professor Taner utilizza i palloni MEDSIL (Russia) per i palloni da 6 mesi e i palloni Spaltz (USA) regolabili per i palloni da 12 mesi.

Immagini della clinica



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Prof Taner Yigit

Prof Taner Yigit

He was born in Konya in 1967.


  • He attended primary school between 1974 and 1979 and graduated from Erzurum Dumlu Primary School in 1979.
  • He completed his secondary and high school education at İzmir Karataş High School between 1979 and 1984.
  • He began his medical training at the Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GATA) Faculty of Military Medicine in 1984 and graduated in 1990 as a medical lieutenant.

Professional Experience:

  • Between 1991 and 1993, he served in the command of the 1st Commando Brigade in Kayseri.
  • Between 1993 and 1997, he specialized in general surgery at the GATA General Surgery Department and became a general surgeon.
  • Between 1997 and 2001, he worked as a specialist in general surgery at the Erzurum Marshal Çakmak Military Hospital.

Academic Career:

  • In 2001, he started his academic life as Asst. Assoc.
  • Between 2004 and 2005, he received training on "obesity and advanced laparoscopic techniques" as a visiting professor at the Department of General Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA.
  • In 2006, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor at the Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Faculty of Military Medicine, Department of General Surgery.
  • In 2013, he was appointed as a professor at the GATA Department of General Surgery.
  • Between 2016 and 2017, he worked as a faculty member at the Ministry of Health, University of Health Sciences.
  • He retired from public service in 2017.

Prof. Dr. Taner Yiğit is married and has two children and speaks English and Turkish. - Prof Taner Yigit

Elenco operazioni e prezzi - Prof Taner Yigit