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DHI Hair Transplant - The Revolutionary Technique
DHI Hair Transplant Without Shaving the Recipient Area

DHI Hair Transplant Without Shaving the Recipient Area

The DHI hair transplant (Direct Hair Implantation) is an advanced hair transplantation technique that allows natural hair regrowth with aesthetic and long-lasting results. It stands out from other techniques due to its unique approach and specific tools.

The term DHI refers to a variation of FUE that mainly differentiates the implantation step. The entire extraction phase is the same as in FUE. This means that there is no difference in scarring in the donor area. For implantation, DHI uses a special tool that performs incision and graft placement simultaneously. Although one might think that performing both incision and placement steps in the same motion could save time, it's not the case because the loading step of the implantation stylus (Choï implanter) requires additional time that equals the time saved by converging incision and placement steps. The Choï implanter is a grafting stylus mainly reserved for straight hair, which was invented in 1991 by Dr. Choï (South Korea). The advantage of the Choï implanter is to minimize graft manipulation to reduce its trauma.

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    The FUE in DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is promoted as a new technology. This is a partially false statement as Dr. Choï's implanter is an invention from 1991. However, its use in FUE is relatively new since this FUE variation has been practiced for more than a decade.

    Definition of DHI Hair Transplant

    The DHI hair transplant is a hair transplantation method that involves extracting hair follicles from the donor area and directly implanting them into bald or thinning areas of the scalp. This is done using a specially designed Choï implanter that performs both incision and insertion in a single step.

    The FUE / DHI Technique

    The DHI is based on the same methodology as the standard FUE technique, but with variations in the process and instrumentation. This allows for hair transplantation without the need to completely shave the patient's head, making the procedure more discreet.

    Donor Area in DHI

    In this case, follicular units are extracted from a donor area exactly as in FUE. There is no difference between FUE and DHI in the donor area.

    Recipient Area in DHI

    Then, a grafting stylus (Choï implanter) is used to allow the grafting of follicular units at the same time that incisions are made in the recipient area. This technique is ideal for adjusting re-densification in patients with low density in certain areas. However, for interventions requiring a significant implantation of follicular units, we recommend the standard FUE technique. If the patient's personal circumstances do not allow for head shaving, with DHI, you can also benefit from a minimally invasive permanent hair solution, without visible scars and with natural results.

    Materials and Choï Implanter

    The DHI hair transplant uses a Choï implanter. The Choï implanter is an innovative tool that allows the follicle to be injected and minimizes bulb trauma when it is forced into the incision.

  • All pathologies treated by FUE can be treated in DHI without distinction.

    However, not all types of hair can be treated.

    Afro hair cannot be operated on with DHI because the bulb cannot fit into the implanter due to the significant curvature of the bulb.

    Specific Indications of DHI Hair Transplant

    The DHI hair transplant is particularly suitable for people with localized hair loss who want precise hair restoration. This technique is ideal for eyebrows, beards, sideburns, and small bald areas.

  • Anesthesia Options

    To ensure your comfort during the procedure, various anesthesia options are available. Your surgeon will discuss different methods with you and recommend the one that suits your situation best.

  • Lifespan of Implants

    Hair implanted during a DHI hair transplant is generally permanent and will not fall out after transplantation. They will continue to grow naturally, and you can style and care for them like your own hair.

    Procedure Duration

    The duration of a DHI hair transplant varies depending on the extent of the procedure and the number of follicles to be transplanted. Generally, the procedure can take several hours, but this can vary from case to case.

  • Success Statistics of DHI Hair Transplant

    DHI hair transplant has shown high success rates in hair restoration. Results depend on various factors, such as the quality of follicles, adherence to surgical protocols, and post-operative care. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed information about specific success statistics.

  • Recovery and Convalescence

    The recovery period after a DHI hair transplant is generally short. Patients can resume their normal activities a few days after the procedure. It's important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon for optimal recovery.

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